Reforming Our Conduct - Dr Shehzad Saleem

Reforming Our Conduct

 We all have our weaknesses. A category of them relates to our fellow brethren and at times are a result of loose talk. More often than not these weaknesses are exposed in our conversations with one another. Without giving much time to reflect we often end up uttering unethical remarks, sweeping statements and harsh words that hurt others. A cultured and considerate person always weighs his intent before he speaks out. If this restraint is practiced, we may perhaps remain silent most of the time and speak only when we have something positive in our minds.

In Surah Hujurat, the Almighty has alluded to some very common bad habits in this regard. We need to gradually eliminate these from our lives. This issue consists of the exegesis of this surah authored by Amin Ahsan Islahi (d. 1997), a celebrated authority of the Qur’an from the sub-continent.

Making fun of one another as a means to demean and belittle the person targeted is very common in our gatherings. It is so very unbecoming of us to do so.

Another trait of our gatherings is to insult and censure someone. This smacks of arrogance and its bite can truly be felt if the person guilty of it is subjected to it.

Calling one another by derogatory names is also a means of ridicule. These names are mostly attributed keeping in view a God-given deficiency of a person over which he has no control.

Similar is the case of being overly speculative and prying in the affairs of others. It shows that a person is more interested in finding the faults of others rather than analyzing his own.

Backbiting is perhaps the trademark of most group talks. It is a heinous wrong that we shamelessly indulge in.

Let us make a commitment to ourselves to persistently try to root out these wrongs from our lives.

With Thanks To Monthly Renaissance, Written/Published: August 2016
Author : Dr Shehzad Saleem
Uploaded on : May 03, 2018
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