24 Spirit of Islam Issue 62 February 2018 FROM THE SPIRITUAL TREE There is a tree beside my house. I call it the 'Spiritual Tree'. I derive spiritual inspiration from it. A tree is an ever- growing being that was initially a seed possessing the potential of becoming a full-grown tree. A seed takes food from the universe around it and then grows into a tree. The same is true with spirituality, the desire for which is intrinsic to, and an integral part of, the very nature of every human being. To realize this spirituality, Man must derive spiritual food from the universe around him. A tree converts carbon-dioxide into oxygen; a spiritual person is one who can take positive lessons from negative situations. From this perspective, a tree is an embodiment of a spiritual personality. — Maulana Wahiduddin Khan SPIRITUALLY STRONG A strong believer is better and more lovable to God than a weak believer, and there is good in both. (Prophet of Islam, Sahih Muslim) T HERE are two kinds of people—strong and weak. Believers too can be categorized into these two groups. However, just as a strong believer shall be rewarded for performing outstanding feats on account of his superior abilities, a weak believer too shall be rewarded. The only prerequisite is that the weak believer must possess the true spirit of faith. A strong believer will be naturally given reward for putting to use his special capacities for the religious cause. But God’s bounties are not limited or restricted to such people. If a weak believer proves deserving, he too will be given high reward by God. A weak believer has certain additional qualities. For example, he is generally more modest as compared to others. Such a person tends to be more engaged in prayer and remembrance of God. A weak believer, due to his helplessness, is in a far better position to utter such words of prayer as may invoke God. Such aspects of his nature serve to increase the spiritual feelings of the weak believer. If a strong believer is marked