4 Spirit of Islam Issue 62 February 2018 This practice lacks seriousness in treating this problem and it is not a remedy for the problem. In a photograph that shows someone wielding a bat, smashing things, the person is apparently hitting external items but in reality, he is hitting his own self. And he is making the mistake of not availing of a great opportunity.  Psychological research shows that anger is not an evil. Anger is the release of a great amount of energy from within the mind. You need to give a positive direction to this energy and utilize it for your intellectual development. All you need to do when you get angry is to keep mum. Your total silence will automatically initiate a natural process within you and the released ‘anger energy’ will be diverted to a positive target. Anger energy is the greatest energy to be released from the human mind in times of crisis.  A simple experiment will demonstrate this point. Whenever you get angry, you should fall completely silent and continue doing whatever work you had been doing. You will see that, even in the state of anger, you will be able to perform better. If you are doing something in which thinking is involved, your inner mechanismwill make you more creative.  De-stressing does not require you to physically go some place. When you feel stressed out, you should direct yourself to doing some positive work. If thinking is involved in your work, then intensify your thinking. You will observe that your thinking energy has increased and that you have become more creative. You will be able to take double advantage of this process, because not only will your anger soon get dissipated, but your intellectual energy will also be enhanced.  I have personally experienced this technique in a practical way. There have been two phases in my life. In the first phase, I used to get very angry, while in the present phase, I have successfully dealt with my anger after my discovery. I am a writer. If I compare my previous writings with my current writings, I find that in the latter, my creativity has definitely increased.   All my writings have been published. Anyone may compare both these sets of writings and discover this difference. Anger is not to be frittered away in destructive activity. The reality is that anger is not an unwanted problem—rather, it is a great natural gift that needs to be used wisely. o Maulana Wahiduddin Khan editor@thespiritofislam.org Follow Maulana at speakingtree.in