22 Spirit of Islam Issue 63 March 2018 behaviour they want from others, they should themselves accord to others. Conversely, whatever behaviour towards themselves they abhor in others should likewise be eschewed by them. This is such a comprehensive principle that it is useful in every kind of relationship. It is needed between individuals, men and women and nations as well. If people were to adhere to this principle, their family life as well as their social life would improve. National life as well as international life would run more smoothly. It is like a master key to human ethics; one single key which suffices to open all locked doors. One who does not differentiate between his own people and others is a man of principle. His is a contradiction free personality. And the trait, when properly developed, will turn him into a character par excellence. o The Prophet said, “No one can be a believer until and unless he begins to like for his brother what he likes for himself”.