37 Spirit of Islam Issue 63 March 2018 demonstrate, most awesomely, God’s capacity to destroy the earth at any moment. Even more terrifying events take place in the outer reaches of the universe. In the infinitude of its space, innumerable, enormous celestial bodies are in rapid and continuous motion colliding and annihilating one another. Asteroids and comets slam into planets, stars explode and other stars and galaxies are ripped apart by black holes. In terms of scale, perhaps nothing is as violent as collisions between huge clusters of galaxies. Studies in astronomy having confirmed that this is an actual possibility, it would not be surprising if they did collide. Our Solar System may well be the result of a smaller collision of this type. If we can visualize such a collision taking place on a greatly enlarged scale, the day of resurrection will no longer seem impossible, nor even such a remote possibility as we had perhaps at first imagined. Believers in the concept of the life Hereafter contend that a time is bound to come when the forces of destruction, which are present in the universe in embryonic forms, will one day assume gigantic proportions. What is latent today will certainly manifest itself tomorrow, and the coming of the day of resurrection will be a reality. Today we apprehend it as a probability; tomorrow we shall witness it as a fact. o Our vernacular websites: www.peaceandspiritualityinkannada.com www.peaceandspiritualityintamil.com &